Japan Veterinary Medical Association



Isao Kurauchi D.V.M,Ph.D.
President JVMA


The JVMA has 100 years of history since the inception of the predecessor “Japan Veterinary Association”.

As “an animal doctor”, JVMA supports various aspects of people’s lives by providing medical care for pets, ensuring the safety of stock farm products, improving the productivity, preventing zoonotic infection, promoting animal welfare, and protecting wild animals.

JVMA takes responsibility to build a network among veterinarians in Japan and create an environment where they can more fully meet people’s expectation. In cooperation with local veterinary associations, we also promote interactions with overseas veterinary associations while creating and maintaining collaborative relationships with relevant government offices and associations.

JVMA joined the World Veterinary Association (WVA) in 1954 and, as the host country, held the 25th World Veterinary Congress (WVC) in Yokohama for the first time in the Asian region. JVMA is also a member of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) since its inception in 1978. As part of FAVA’s activities, JVMA held the FAVA Congress in 1980 and 1995.

From 1993 to 2003, JVMA organized “Training Program for Asian Veterinarians”. 144 veterinarians from various Asian countries studied the latest veterinary technologies and played important roles in their countries after they finished the program. The training program for overseas veterinarians was resumed as “ Training Program for Asian Veterinarians Ⅱ ” in 2017, which is highly valued by relevant associations in the Asian region.

In November 2016, JVMA held the 2nd WVA-WMA Global Conference on One Health (2nd GCOH) in Kita Kyushu, Fukuoka, which resulted in the adoption of “ Fukuoka Memorandum ”. In this way, JVMA continues to be actively involved in the international collaboration.

It is the JVMA mission to create a better and heather society where people and animals live together.