
永田雅彦1)    酒井健夫2)

1)ASCどうぶつ皮膚病センター(〒182-0012 調布市深大寺東町1-3-2)
2)日本大学生物資源科学部(〒252-8510 藤沢市亀井野1866)


要     約

 ASCどうぶつ皮膚病センターに来院した犬534頭の皮膚病の発生状況を調査した.皮膚病の区分としては感染性皮膚疾患(29.5%),アレルギー性皮膚疾患(19.1%)および内分泌性皮膚疾患(13.7%)が多かった(P<0.01).疾患としては膿皮症(16.3%),脂漏性皮膚炎(13.5%)およびアトピー性皮膚炎(9.1%)が多かった.これら症例の予後は,継続治療を必要とする場合が多かった(52.2%; P<0.01).また全国の動物診療施設(以下,開業病院)を対象にアンケート調査を行い,回答のあった669施設における犬の皮膚病の発生状況を検討した.開業病院では内科疾患と並んで皮膚病に罹患した犬の外来件数が多く(35.1%; P<0.01),診療比率として外耳炎を含めた皮膚病が全体の30〜40%を占めていると回答した施設が多かった(62.2%).また皮膚科の外来件数は夏に多いと回答した病院が多かった(64.5%; P<0.01).開業病院における皮膚病の区分としては感染性皮膚疾患(32.1%)ならびにアレルギー性皮膚疾患(21.5%)が多く(P<0.01),疾患としてはノミアレルギー性皮膚炎(86.7%),膿皮症(85.1%),外耳炎(84.6%),アトピー性皮膚炎(56.5%),脂漏性皮膚炎(50.4%),耳疥癬(48.4%),急性湿性皮膚炎(47.2%)および肢端舐性皮膚炎(41.9%)が多かった.

--------------------日獣会誌 52,775〜779(1999)

Clinical Survey of Canine Dermatosis in Japan

Masahiko NAGATA* and Takeo SAKAI

*Animal Dermatology Center, ASC, 1-3-2 Jindaiji-higashi, Chofu 182-0012, Japan


 This retrospective survey of canine skin disorders is based on the records of 534 dogs treated at a referral dermatology clinic. The most common groups of skin disorders were infections (29.5%), allergic disorders (19.1%), and endocrinopathy (13.7%; P<0.01). The final diagnoses of pyoderma (16.3%), seborrheic dermatitis (13.5%), and atopic dermatitis (9.1%) were frequently encountered. The most common clinical course was control of the diseases through continued maintenance therapy (52.2%; P<0.01). In addition to this survey, we conducted a nationwide questionnaire survey of canine skin disorders. Reported from 669 small animal clinics showed that skin disorders including otitis externa is one of the most frequently encountered diseases in canine practice. A seasonal high incidence of skin diseases occurred in summer (64.5%; P<0.01). In clinics, the most common groups of skin disorders were infections (32.1%) and allergic disorders (21.5%); and the most common final diagnoses were flea allergic dermatitis (86.7%), pyoderma (85.1%), otitis externa (84.6%), atopic dermatitis (56.5%), seborrheic dermatitis (50.4%), ear mite infection (48.4%), acute moist dermatitis (47.2%), and acral lick dermatitis (41.9%).
―Key words : dermatology, dog, epidemiology.

--------------------J. Jpn. Vet. Med. Assoc., 52, 775〜779 (1999)